We raised over £2k for charity!
The results are in and Drusillas Park is pleased to announce that they raised a brilliant £2372.05 for their 2019 Charity of the Year, The Children with Cancer Fund.
Drusillas handed over a cheque to The Children with Cancer Fund today, which represented the sum of donations raised by the Park over the course of last year. In addition to this, The Children with Cancer Fund also raised extra funds from awareness days hosted at Drusillas at various points throughout 2019.
The Children with Cancer Fund was formed in July 1998 and is made up of a small voluntary group of family and friends. The charity strives to enable the families of children with cancer to have a quality of life that we would hope to have ourselves.
Chloe Matthews, Community Fundraiser for The Children with Cancer Fund, said: “A lot of work involves arranging treats or buying children and families something they have missed out on, normally due to the fact that their money has been spent fighting the illness or burning up petrol going to and from the hospital for treatment.”
“We had a fantastic day at Drusillas when they hosted our families for a group visit and we are so grateful to them for their continued support last year. The team here at The Children with Cancer Fund were so pleased to be the park’s chosen charity for 2019 and really enjoyed working together.”
Drusillas’ handsome sloth, Gordon, also helped to raise funds for this amazing charity. Every time Gordon was adopted 20% of all the proceeds were donated to The Children with Cancer Fund.
Drusillas’ Director, Cassie Poland, commented: “We were thrilled to be working with The Children with Cancer Fund last year. As Drusillas Park is enjoyed by so many young families it is very important to us to support a charity that provides such amazing care for children. We were very proud to partner with The Children with Cancer Fund.”
For more information on The Children with Cancer Fund please visit www.childrenwithcancerfund.org.uk/