Animals Weather the Storm
Zoo Keepers at
Due to a fault with a local substation,
Reptiles are cold blooded creatures that rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. In the wild this is provided by the sun but at Drusillas they are dependent on electrical heated mats.
With the power off the zoo team were forced to improvise to prevent the reptiles’ body heat falling to dangerous levels. As temperatures within the vivariums started to plummet, keepers cuddled the coolest critters until the emergency generators could be installed. Plus other animals needed to be locked indoors for their own safety.
High winds also brought down several trees at the zoo and the estate team were forced to carry out emergency maintenance when a large willow branch fell within the red pandas to provide the perfect pathway out. Luckily, Tibao and Mulan were blissfully unaware as they slept through the worst of the weather snuggled up in their nest box.
Other zoo residents fared well within the storms and even benefitted from the fallen foliage.
The stormy weather could not have come at a more inconvenient time as Halloween Shriek Week got underway at Drusillas for the half term holidays. Luckily calm was restored the following day and it’s monkey business as usual at the award-winning zoo.