Santa’s Reindeer Deliver the Big Man to Drusillas
Father Christmas has taken up residence of his winter cottage at Drusillas Park, East Sussex, bringing two of his trusty reindeers with him.
Tinsel and Twinkle delivered the Big Man safely to Drusillas on Saturday 19th November. The pair will now remain at the zoo until Friday 23rd December, meeting visitors and relaxing ahead of their long flight on Christmas Eve.
At six years old, Twinkle and Tinsel are two of Santa’s newer recruits who will take their place alongside Rudolf to pull Santa’s sleigh.
Their diet is a mixture of hay, barley straw and reindeer pellets which offers a good mixture of the vitamins and minerals they need. However, under strict instructions from the Big Man himself, the keepers will also be adding magic reindeer dust to each and every meal.
Like cows, reindeers have four stomach chambers and so require plenty of dust to fill them up. Keepers add this onto their meals, as well as providing carrot snacks to help them see in the dark.
Zoo Manager, Sue Woodgate commented: “It is great to have reindeer at the Park at this time of year. Christmas is a magical time for children and having reindeer here and explaining more about the species to them is very rewarding.”
Visitors will also have the chance to meet Father Christmas, during his time at Drusillas. He will be welcoming children into his cosy cottage on weekends then daily from 15th to 23rd December inclusive, for an additional charge of £11 including a gift.