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Keepers Celebrate Special Sloths Third Birthday

Keepers Celebrate Special Sloths Third Birthday

Zoo Keepers at Drusillas Park are celebrating Flash, the two-toed sloth's third birthday this week.

Flash was hand-reared by keepers at the park after her mother sadly passed away shortly after giving birth, leaving Flash an orphan.

From that moment on Keepers Mark Kenward and Gemma Romanis were responsible for Flash’s care and worked around the clock to look after the infant, including getting up for night feeds every three hours!

Taking on the parental care of Flash was a huge commitment, and both Gemma and Mark created activity pens in their homes to keep Flash occupied.

They also both helped build a sloth gymnasium at the zoo, which was designed to encourage muscle development and increase activity, whilst providing additional stimulation.

Section Leader, Gemma Romanis said: “It was a very challenging year for us, and perhaps even harder than having a new born baby as sloths are not designed to come off their parents! So you have to have them attached to you almost 24 hours a day! It was one of the hardest, but best years of my life - I wouldn’t change it for the world!”

“We will be celebrating Flash’s third birthday with a big slice of sweet potato and sweetcorn cake - her favourite!”

Flash’s story can be seen in a short film, ‘The Year I Raised a Sloth’ here

Find out more about Flash's natural habitat and the layers of the rainforest!

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